济南铝板http://www.jngdly.com/常用除油液的配比为:NaOH的质量钠等缓蚀剂及葡萄糖酸钠、脂肪酸聚氧乙烯醚类增溶、络合等表面活性剂。除油液的温度通常 控制在55~60℃左 右,除油的效果与溶液的温度有关。若温度太高,则对铝板基严重腐蚀,因而必须控制温度。除油的时间必须经过认真对比最后确定。因为,它与各种不同 生产线有关。卷筒生产线则与生产线的速度有关,以4m/min为例,除油时间必须这到20s,其效果才能给以保证。除油液必须注意及时更新,因为在除油过程中会生成大量的皂化物、乳化物和铝盐, 它们的存在影响除油效果,并阻碍对铝板表面油污的皂化和乳化,当发现除油效果不强时,必须及时更新。
Jinan addition to oil ratio of aluminum used for: inhibitor of sodium gluconate and sodium NaOH quality, fatty acid polyoxyethylene ethers solubilization, complexation and other surfactants. In addition to the oil temperature is usually controlled at 55 ~ 60 ℃, the temperature of the solution of the degreasing effect related. If the temperature is too high, severe corrosion of aluminum-based, and therefore the temperature must be controlled. Degreasing of time must be finalized after careful comparison. Because, it related to a variety of different production lines. Production line reel and the production line speed is related to 4m / min as an example, this time must be degreased to 20s, in order to give effect guaranteed. Care must be taken to date in addition to oil,because oil removal process will generate a lot of unsaponifiables, emulsion and aluminum salts, their presence affects degreasing effect on the aluminum surface and hinder saponification and emulsification of oil, when oil was found the effect is not strong, it must be updated.
通常若通过碱泵进行循环时,除油液能保持较长时 间,若不循环则更新 时间缩短。检查除油效果最简单的办法是用水。除油效果好的铝板表面水能均匀地附着分散,若水倒上后,表面呈水珠状,则说明除油效果不好。除油的温度要经常注意, 除油液的温度过低,则可能造成除油不彻底。
Typically if the pump is circulated through the base, in addition to oil can be maintained for a long time, if the update cycle time is shortened. Check the degreasing effect easiest way is to water. Degreasing effect of a good aluminum surface water can disperse uniformly attached, after Flow down on the surface was like drops of water, then the oil is not effective. Degreasing temperature should always pay attention to, in addition to the oil temperature is too low, it may cause oil is not complete.
Jinan roughened aluminum plate is formed having a desired roughness to the graining structure, can improve the roughened aluminum substrate surface affinity for water, the amount of wetting the surface of the base plate to improve, to prevent the layout dirty; while also roughened after improve adhesion version with photosensitive agent, thereby increasing resistance to Indian forces plate. Roughening after graining is composed of numerous convex peaks and valleys composition, different graining structure, the water retention of adhesion of the photosensitive layer is greater impact.
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