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铝板生产企业 铝卷良心厂家

当前位置:首页 » 济南铝板防水弯折后的调整方法


文章出处:www.jngdly.com 责任编辑:admin 人气:545 发表时间:2023-01-09 14:50:34

Jinan Deformation aluminum flap must be done before the concrete pouring on embedded in the structure, into the concrete is greater than the width of 80mm, respectively, extending down concrete about 100mm, Shape Deformation flap can be adjusted according to the nature of the deformation joint .

Jinan when embedded aluminum to make fixed, first on the template to draw the exact location of the line of aluminum, and then draw a good position line to a diameter of no less than 16 of the vertical steel welded in steel beams have been on a good lashing , then aluminum fixed on steel, if the beam protruding walls, aluminum and steel beams should be placed in the skeleton, then the aluminum stirrup beam end position not binding with wire, both sides of the seam during the installation template, template need to close off position aluminum in aluminum, steel reinforcement when inserting a wedge and then squeeze firmly in pouring concrete when pouring here to be layered.


